From the Greenollers collective, where we work to green the streets and parks, we were given a wall in the city center. I created an illustration with the main idea of ‘we need trees.’ After many hours of preparing and whitewashing the wall, we started painting. And how much fun we had! Any excuse is a good one to get our hands dirty. Thanks to all the friends and the Greenollers collective for all your help.

A little about the process

Thanks to everyone who made it possible
To Marc, Sebastià, Papa, Anna, David, and Gemma for your tremendous help with painting. To Rosa Maria and Elisabet for providing delicious food during the long hours under the sun and rain. To Montse for letting us paint your wall. To Jordi for lending us the scaffolding so we could reach the top of the wall. And to all the other members of Greenollers — Arianna, Jordi, Alberto, Josep, Mercè, Santi, and Sònia — for supporting every step of creating this mural!